Pseudobombax ellipticum (forma alba)

[ Malvaceae ]
[ Central America ]
Pseudobombax ellipticum, best known as Bombax ellipticum, is a fabulously attractive fast-growing deciduous tree with a smooth caudiciform trunk, green and marbled with gray. It can reach 18 m in height, but usually much smaller to shrublike in tropical gardens. The new branches are light green. This species is known for its unique brush-like white or pink flowers of 15 to 20 cm in diameter in the form of brush. New leaves are a quite attractive deep maroon colour and turn a fine green as they get older. The fruit, an elongated dehiscent capsule 15-25 cm long and 2.5-3.5 cm in diameter, contains a fluffy fiber around the seeds. This is an attractive shade tree suitable for bonsai as well.

Pseudobombax ellipticum (forma alba)
Seeds (3) :
3.9 € Buy Now
Plant : Out of Stock

Tree . Flowering plant . Plant which can be grown as a Bonsai . Succulent Plant . Develops a caudex .
zone 10b = Winter minimum temperature 2C to 4C (35F to 40F)
Rocky Hillsides
Tropical Lowland Forests 0-600m
Dry tropical forests

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Temperature during winter
Watering during automn-winter
Watering during hot season
Fertilizer during growth

1 gravel + 1 soil + 1 humus

Indoor during winter temperature min. from 11 to 16C


Rarely ( when the substrate is dry )

Regularly and abundantly, but avoid that the water traverse the pot

Regularly but with spacing
A light pruning is possible every end of summer
Repot every year if possible

Your comments concerning Pseudobombax ellipticum (forma alba) are welcome!
So, if you have experiences to share with other amateurs over the World, please write a comment concerning:

Germination HERE
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